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Challenges in Processing Bulgarian

Challenges in Processing Bulgarian Compound Verb Forms The complexities in handling complex tense, mood, and voice forms arise from their incorporation of both morphological and...

Bulgarian Compound Verb Forms

Overview of Data Categories In constructing a grammar for recognizing compound verb forms automatically, the initial challenge is to identify the boundaries and components of...

A Unified Approach

This paper is part of the BulTreeBank framework, an integrated system for building grammars to analyze linguistic entities in XML documents. The software environment...

Nile, Stuttgart and New Delhi

Life on the Nile A journey by boat from Luxor to Aswan is one the loveliest tripsy you will ever make. The journey from L uxor...

Tram in Istanbul

In his book entitled "A Tramway from Dersaadet to Istanbul," R. Sertag Kayserilioglu tells the story of public transport, beginning in 1871 with the...

Discovering a Hidden Marvel


Eudocia 1067 part 22