Antiochus Strategos part 15
Then they made for the town called Tiberias. It stands at the edge of the sea on which our Lord walked dry¬shod and where...
Antiochus Strategos part 14
This Spaniard had a brother at the king’s court, who was the chamberlain of the King of the Saracens. And when the governor who...
Antiochus Strategos part 13
At that time there were seven companions with Willibald and he made the eighth. Almost at once they were arrested by the pagan Saracens,...
Antiochus Strategos part 12
If Miletus is meant, the pilgrims must have landed there before reaching Patara. The only place between Patara and Chelidonia is a town,...
Antiochus Strategos part 11
Beautiful spot near Ephesus
Thence they sailed for Syracuse, a city in the same country. Sailing from Syracuse, they crossed the Adriatic and reached the...
Antiochus Strategos part 10
They had caught the black plague. So great a hold had it got on them that, scarcely able to move, worn out with fever...
Antiochus Strategos part 9
As the sickness increased, his weary limbs grew cold and stiff, and in this way he breathed his last. As soon as the two...
Antiochus Strategos part 8
It would be cruel, and unchristian, he said, to deprive them of his protection and to leave them at the mercy of others. Then...
Antiochus Strategos part 7
Next he began to inquire how he could put these ideas into effect so that he could despise and renounce the fleeting pleasures of...
Antiochus Strategos part 6
There before the cross they laid him. Then they began earnestly to implore God, the Maker of all things, to bring them consolation and...